Saturday, June 22, 2019

Amsterdam Bos (forest) & the Amstel

June 22 - Day 17 - Last of the riding days

Distance 43.13kms
Total distance on the trip **** 1012.97 km ****
Moving time 2:45:00 
Todays elevation 48m                                  
Total elevation 1363

It was a beautiful sunny day, so after breakfast we  took our bikes unloaded into the Amsterdam Bos (or Forest) for a slow exploration of a wonderfully huge green space very close to the city. 

There were many large open spaces in the forest like the one above in the left photo,  to give an idea of how large this forest is - those dots in the centre are people.

We stopped to watch a secondary school rowing regatta for a little while. This was quite entertaining with the students cheering on the side while riding bikes along the path, not really focussing on where they were riding. 

We came across this high line adventure park / obstacle course with young people swinging from the ropes and wires. They were all hooked up with safety devices, but they were moving around the course with minimal adult supervision. The course was very interesting too with chairs and everyday objects suspended as part of the platforms to use. It even went over a small creek. The young ones were having a fabulous time.

After a few more kilometres in the forest we headed over to the Amstel river to ride along that for a few kilometres.

We stopped for lunch at an Indian restaurant on the banks of the Amstel and watched the flotilla of boats go past as people were out enjoying the gorgeous weather. It was also a Saturday.  

After lunch we headed north along the Amstel toward Amsterdam with the thousands of others who wanted to take advantage of the beautiful day. 
We finished our day ride and set about cleaning the bikes to clear Australian customs after all the farms and sheep paddocks we rode through. A scrubbing brush and Dettol did the trick.
They were then sadly packed away in their boxes ready for transporting in planes, trains and automobiles tomorrow.

The tracks and bikes at Sood Amstermdam Station

Our complete riding route around the Netherlands with a brief sojourn into Germany. There is so much left to explore. 1012.97 km

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